Monday, March 06, 2006


First of all, I was on my personal blog and went to blog this and it came up under the correct blog NOT the VLB blog then when I published my post it put it on the VLB blog. It does that a lot! Grrr *irritated*

So here is my post...

Here you go Grace! I been fairly busy between work, billing, chatting, watching a movie, and letting my dog out of the car to go potty. So I am finally here to post. Though, I am afraid it won't be long. I have some stuff to receive here at work.

This weekend went pretty much as I posted last on my blog. Damon went to his dad's to work on his truck. Except I went with him. I know, wasn't what I had dreamed up, but I wanted to spend time with him so I went. I stopped at the grocery and got a few things then went to Richards. Was out there till around 1:30 and decided to come. I cleaned the house, and I don't mean just straightened up. I sorted through junk and threw a big box away. I actually took stuff off my dresser and dusted under neath. I even dusted picture frames. Completely cleared kitchen counter off and scrubbed them. Organized spare bedroom and even organized the laundry/storage room. Cleaned the bathroom, swept, mopped, vacummed, man it felt good! My house was purty. Til Damon came home with muddy feet. But atleast he took his shoes off. He didnt get home til after 6 *whine*. He was almost done when I left at 130. But he decided to "drive through a mud hole" with his friend and got "stuck". I was highly irritated. I been sitting at home waiting and he goes off and has fun! Not to mention I love four wheeling, and have been wanting to really go since we got married. Yeah TWO years and here he finally goes to a good spot and it's without me! I was hurt. Oh tummy was still hurting but I finally ate (I had tried to eat at lunch, didnt eat much though) the food I ate didnt sit well with me. He ended up wanting to go out, so after I had just eaten I didn't have much of an appetite. Their banana pudding was grrrrrrrrreat though! Yum. Banana pudding is superb when done right! Yum Yum! The bananas have to be ripe and the nilla wafers have to be soft. Not mushy, soft! Big difference. Speaking of banana pudding, I made some last night. YUM! I gave Grace the recipe. I will post on here, so you can try if you like. One thing is, it's low fat. Best part is you can't tell. Know how I know its good, Damon told me it was good and he didn't know it was low fat. He does NOT like healthy food. So, it must really be yummy! Its soooo yummy! Ok, heres recipe:

3-4 Ripe bananas
1 Large box Instant Vanilla Pudding (not sugar free)
*you will need fat free milk to mix with pudding powder, mix according to directions, mine was 3 cups*
1 can fat free sweetened condensed milk
1 box reduced fat Nilla Wafers
1 small container fat free cool whip

Line the bottom of deep dish with 3/4 of box of wafers
Slice bananas thinly then place evenly over wafers
Mix pudding according to box directions, as soon as you have thoroughly mixed add can of fat free sweetened condensed milk.
Pour over bananas and wafers
Top with cool whipPlace remaining wafers around edges.
Let set atleast 20 minutes, over night is best if you life soft wafers. Not mushy, soft.

Yum it's sooooo good!

Church was really good yesterday too! After morning service Damon and I went to look at a side job. Its an outside job, will be somewhere in the $2500 range. Hopefully he gets it. Lots of ways to use the extra money!
Well ttyl!


wemmies said...

Why is it all men do that!? grrr! I had a similar experience Saturday. arg! Men! *sigh*

I am commenting on your blog! Now go read mine and comment. You wont believe what we did to GG. :O

Kasey said...

Wemmies I read yours this wont let me open the comment window. I click and click and click. It dont do it. I dont know why. I think its the new photo ticker. :( It bummeth me

You need that recipe Gracie, it will be a keeper in your box for years to come. YUMMMMMOOOOOOO

Rebekah Doran said...

I've never been fourwheeling, but it sure sounds like fun!

Kasey said...

Oh my goodness you girls....( I was gonna say guy, but you know, you're not a male so I said "girls") neeeeeeeeeed to go. Get you a vehicle you don't care if it gets sratched or dirty and go for it. Damon and I hit a mud hole one time that we didnt realize it was as deep as it was...well lets just say we dropped off in it and took a big dunking in lots o mud!

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