Friday, March 03, 2006

I shall post

Since Damon won't get me internet *WAAAAHHHH* I will make the most of the internet at work and post, hopefully tiding over till Monday.

I just had a first real meal since puke fest 06'. I don't think cereal counts. But I had chicken lo mein with a egg roll. I didn't manage to eat much of it, but what I did eat was...YUMMY! There is one good thing about all this, that is I have lost 6lbs. Hopefully I will lose more. Gonna try.

Anyway...guess what I read on a local new stations website today. Convicted child rapest disappears. Guess where this child rapest lives....LAKEWOOD. *shivers* For those of you who AREN'T familiar with TN or where I live, I live IN Lakewood. Lakewood is nestled in the middle of the town Old Hickory. The whole town of lakewood its self is probably about 5blocks long and 4 blocks deep. It's very very small area. That means this child rapest is VERY VERY close to me. Who knows, hes probably living in my garage. *more shivers* ewwwww

*going to health food store tonight*

Found some disturbing news out recently. Damons mamaw apparently has a Anuerism in her brain which has not broke lose yet PTL! She will die when and if it does, least I think. Those things are pretty serious. I say PTL, because it has not happened yet, which means she still has time to get saved. Please pray for her. Her name is Nada Broyles.

Have no idea what the plans are for this weekend. I know damon got some parts for his fixer upper 79. He got the floor pans, which he needs to cut the old ones out and then weld the new ones in. When he's done its going to be a nice old truck. I have even helped with sanding it! Anyway, damon's plans are to work on that tomorrow, which means I am either helping him, or cleaning. I need to clean especially since I have been sick and haven't cleaned much. Just now getting my strength back. I kinda miss my boys, believe it or not. They usually come over every weekend, its been a while. (I'm talking about my nephews, just in case you didn't know.)

This is gonna sound silly, but, please pray for Turbo. He's a dog, he belongs to our neighbors that their backyard shares a fence with ours. They have had several complaints over his barking. But its not his fault. He just sits and barks at teh back of the house, cus' they don't give him any attention. Literally just leave him outside chained up all day and night. I go out and give him bones to try to pay some attention and keep him quiet for awhile. I have thought about asking for him, but I know Damon wouldn't be happy about that. Please pray that they either start paying attention to him, or he's given a good home. They don't be mean to him, they just don't love him. The poor thing, its all he wants, just attention. The couple has a baby coming, which means he will be even worse off. They have a Rottweiler too, Lexi is her name. She's MEAN. Geesh. But I managed to give her some bones and hand fed her. After I was done she looked like she wanted to tear me apart. Inards and all. *more shivers*

I look cute today, least I think. And grace...I'm wearing my gauchos! Cept mine look more like a skirt then comfy pants!

Have a great weekend, and have a heart...comment!

OHHH my latest accompaniment tracks to sing at church. "Jesus Take the Wheel" and "What If" YESSSS!


wemmies said...

Jesus Take the Wheel!? That will be weird. :/ Good song... do they play it on Christian radio?

The child rapist!? Holy Smokes!!! Did they say his name? :O skeery.

Kasey said...

yeah...they play it on 94.1 "the fish" fm.'s a grrreat song. Tammy F loves it and wants me to sing it. SOooo, when I get asked, will just need the guts to do it! :P

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