Wednesday, March 29, 2006

copy cat continued

21. clutter drives me nuts, or things I can't fix or have to work at to fix. Example, if I am reorganizing a room or trying to find a mistake in numbers and I can't even find a place to begin I feel VERY overwhelmed. Almost chlosterphobic. I panic in my mind thinking I'm never gonna get this, I don't even know where to start. Drives me up the wall!

22. I used to read any bottle I could get my hands on within reach of the toilet just to entertain myself while I tinkled.

23. I STILL have my bright pink socks (that I wear only when necessary) from the 80's, who knows why I haven't gotten rid of them.

24. I get bottles of sparkling cider or juice for Christmas, I will walk around with the whole bottle just chugging it cus I like it so much. Im sucha lush.

25. I get dirt under the corners of my toenails that I have to DIG out. EW

26. Slow drivers HIGHLY annoy me. I am on border road rage nearly every day.

27. I used to go fishing with my dad at the creek for bait fish. He would catch the fish to use or I cant remember if he went just to fish for fun. Anyway...we didn't keep them to eat, I remember seeing these little white worm looking things crawling OUT OF THE SKIN, literally. FREAKED me out!

28. My mom gave me some health drink thing made of water, lemon, and cayenne pepper to "de worm" me when I was a child. I didn't even have worms! It tasted NASTY!

29. I ate my boogers till I was in my early teens. NASTY...I can't believe I admitted that.

30. I am scared of the noise balloons make when they are popped, freaks me out.

31. I have to wash and condition my hair BEFORE I shave my legs in the shower, or I get the shivers and have to shave all over again.

32. I have a double jointed knuckle on my pointer finger, left hand.

33. I am allergice to penacillan and amoxicillan.

34. I used to smoke cigarettes with my cousin down in our horse pasture when I was like 9 years old. GAG

35. I have almost crashed in a small plane 3 times.

36. I used to be an air guard on prisoner transports, mental ward, for brother wilda. Had to hold one girl down.

37. I once was so obsessed with a guy I had his work schedule written down on my calendar, when he finally reciprocated the feelings and held my hand I said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" ...needless to say, it ain't damon I'm talkin about and it didn't work out!

38. I used to flip my skirt up to scare this boy away in second grade named Cody Chlarson. He would NOT leave me alone. So, I just showed him my undies, then he left. :-D

39. I clip my toenails off and chew the remnants...only if they are clean, and not here recently cus I have begun to realize how nasty that is.

40. I fot an F in 7th grade math, my mom told me if I got an F I lost my horse....I BEGGED my teacher, tears and all just to give me a D so I wouldn't lose her. She raised me to a D-


wemmies said...

21. ditto. it's goin on my list with a photo! :P

22. Who doesn't?

25. People who don't are GROSS! Mine don't get long enough to worry about! I am a supporter of white free toenails!

26. Hollah! Me too!

29. TMI ;)

38. Hussy!

39. At least you clean the junk out the corners first. GROSS!! Good thing Damon don't read this! :P I wouldn't kiss you again... booger and toenail eater! :P

Kasey said...

i think it adds to the juicy flava freshness of my kisses. :P

Katie said...

This comes from being and ONLY child, no one to play with, TOO much time to think....all you out there in blog land if you are planning a family or only have one child ...... have another, or at least have two!
God Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! Cody Chlarson is my husband! Luckily, no trauma was inflicted - on either part. Funny stuff...