Sunday, December 09, 2007


I have sweat enough to fill buckets here is very weird....I wake up and I am DRENCHED in sweat. My clothes are literally damp, so is my hair. Emily says that I am sweating out the sickness...I called momma and she said the same thing. So I got on the internet this morning and found a site that says when your body is breaking a fever it will sweat, to the point of making your clothes damp and at night. That is me. I know it is gross, but I guess that is a good sign. I wanted to go to church this morning, mainly because all I have left is the cough. The fever has been gone since yesterday afternoon. Mom and Emily said I needed to stay home, so here I am. BORED. I find it interesting about this whole sweat thing though. I haven't had a real documented (as in I took my temp and saw it was actually high) fever in over four years. Thank the Lord. I don't know if I got sick simply because I don't slow down, or what...momma says I need to slow down. I don't try to rush life, it just happens.

At any rate, I have been in the house since Thursday night. My furthest venture being the trip to the mail box. I am ready to get out. I am ready for civilization again. It is hard being here by myself, though Emily has been here for me and Rachel helped me out too. Jesus never leaves me, but as we have heard before, it is nice to have someone with skin on. I have never had Bronchitis is miserable. It is like a strep/flu combination. YUCK. You all are probably tired of hearing me complain. One more sad part...I have REALLY been missing Damon lately, sadness, pain, tears, PLEASE pray for me. It just hits you ya know, and *sigh*...I dunno how to explain it other than I am missing my husband and my heart feels torn.

Happier things...I just ate Kashi waffles, YUM. with peanut butter, double yum, and water. Sweet stuff makes me crave water. Last night Sis Amy brought me and emily home made veggie/beef soup. MAN, it was sooooooo good. I haven't had beef veggie soup in a long time, my grandma used to make it a lot. But this stuff, with a bunch of saltines, HIT THE SPOT!

Live from my couch, this is kasey, signing off. Have a great day.


Rachel said...

We are home too. Brad is tired from his being sick. No fun. So much for picture taking today.

Rebekah Doran said...

Glad to hear that you are getting better! I know what you mean though, after being at home with the kids for days, I'm always ready to get OUT. :)