Thursday, December 13, 2007


Blog World, PLEASE pray for me. I kinda feel like I am getting sick again. This bronchitis stuff scares me, as it makes it hard to breathe and I don't like that. It is scary to me.

Not much going on...very busy, lots to do. I didn't make it to church last night. Got stuck in traffic about 10 minutes away from the church. I don't know what the problem was. But it would have taken me another 25-30 minutes to turn around and go the other way....thus I didn't make it.

Well, that is all for right now. Please just pray for me to not get sick again, and pray for me to breathe okay. I really don't like this. Please pray.


Tammy Washburn said...

Praying for you Kasey.

Anonymous said...

Please know that I am praying for you. I have had a lot of experience with bronchitis. You do not get over it like a cold or something. You probably are still feeling the affects of your initial diagnosis. Please listen to your body and get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. I usually takes a few weeks to get over bronchitis.
Even if you "feel better" be careful not to overdo it for a few weeks.
Take care of yourself.
Love Ya
Sister Marcy Doerfler

Kasey said...

I am drinking plenty of fluids...but the rest part is harder to come by. I am trying.

Brandon Shaw said...

Hope you get better :). Miss seeing you at church.

Katie said...

Hey Kasey! I REALLY miss seeing you at church!!! I miss your hugs!!

I love you!!

Praying for you!!