Friday, December 07, 2007


This is my 700th post. Just a FYI. I am home from work today. I didn't realize I was as sick as I was. Last night there was the memorial at the funeral home, that I think I told people about, for the loved ones that passed this year and you were sposed to put an ornament on the tree in their rememberance. I had this cute little penguin all ready to be put on the tree. Well, then I thought I should take my temperature, because one person at work said i didn't have a fever, two others did. I was feeling very dizzy and awfully tired. My temp was 101. BLECH, no wonder I felt awful. So...I was still planning on going because I REALLY wanted to be there for Damon. However, Rachel was on the way with Sara to go with me to the memorial. I didn't want Sara exposed to it, but I didn't know what to do. I called my mom and Emily, they both said I didn't need to go. I called Judy, she said if you have a fever then you are contagious, I will just go up and put the ornament on the tree. I was tore up, I wanted to go. I called Rachel and she said she was still coming. She came here and took care of me for awhile. She went and got me this theraflu stuff to drink. She also got me tyelnol type stuff. I woke up in the night and my fever was down to 99 something, I woke up again and it was back up to 100 something, this morning it is 98.5. Thank the Lord! My chest is realllly congested, ears are bothered, throat hurts, nose stuffed off and on, slight headache, and the fever. I don't know what that is, but needless to say i am home. I must have needed sleep because I didn't get out of bed until 9:45ish. So...just pray for me to continue to feel better. I feel quite abit better today, but my ears and congestion are really bothering me, and my throat is still pretty sore.