Monday, April 03, 2006


Update on Brad, GOOD NEWS!
The doctors said he is not out of the woods yet, that this is still very much a life and death situation, but that there IS HOPE! Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!!
They took a brain activity test on Brad, the top of the scale is an 11, Brad is registering at a 5! The doctors don't want him to drop below a 3. He is in the middle of the scale, that is an ANSWER TO PRAYER y'all! The swelling is getting worse, but the doctors said it should peak by tomorrow and Em feels like his brain activity will go up as the swelling goes down! He is also now breathing completely on his own and they are taking the tubes out of his throat because the doctors think they are irritating Brad. They are going to allow him to completely be free of any aid in breathing, however they are going to put a trache hole in just in case. This is such good news, keep Brad in your prayers, THEY ARE WORKING Thank the Lord thank the Lord thank the Lord!!