Thursday, December 04, 2008

A Week

It has already been a week since Thanksgiving! Time is flying. I remember when I was a kid, things moved much much slower. I wish time machines were real, where you could take an occassional trip back in time. As a kid you wanna grow up, as an adult, its like "why was I in such a hurry?!"

Now, it's December 4th, and in three weeks Christmas and Emily will be here!! I need to do my Christmas shopping, and get my house ready for the party this Saturday. I work with a girl who sells The Body Shop, and I am having a party at my house this Sat Evening. Hopefully a lot of people will come, should be a fun evening.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Erika J. said...

i wonna come to the party!!

Kasey said...

Get a ticket!! :)

Bobbinoggin said...

you have a very cozy home. i'm sure you'll have a lovely party.

Valerie said...

You got that right about time flying by! When we were kids it seemed like forever for Christmas to get here and now as a adult it does go fast.Kinda weird huh?

I need to get the Christmas Tree up!

~Amy said...

Sounds like fun. Parties like that are always very cool. :D