Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow+Cookies= CHRISTMAS!!

White Chocolate Cherry Chunkies
That is the snow shovel on my back porch sticking up in the snow. It is a bit more mounded there, because I have mainly been shoveling a small walkway just for the poochies to go out. Hence all the little foot prints. Abby really enjoys the snow.

Snow falling, YAY!

Me in my snowbootsm in the snow, the snow is covering the top of my feet.

Here's the new path I just shoveled, we have gotten about an inch more this evening.

My pretty tree, I think the snow makes it look better.
All in all I think right now we have 5-6 inches. Some of the drifts are up to about two feet. The deepest in my back yard is probably 6-7 inches. Looks like we will have a white Christmas. Thank the Lord for safe travel this morning. I just took it slow and kept it in four wheel drive and did fine. By this evening the roads were pretty good. Pray for Emily's trip out here, she is a bit nervous with the snow. But the Lord will take care of her. Also, I am havin sinus issues. My ears are really plugged, but my sinuses seem only slightly affected and my throat has the drainy feeling and is now slightly sore. That is what caused my head to feel like it was going to pop off last week. I want it gone by Christmas, I am praying for the Lord to touch me. Please pray to. love yall!


Valerie said...

Lucky,lucky you for all the snow!
I love the pics..The cookies, I have never heard of them,but they sure look good!

This funny weather has everyone in my house stuffy,snotty,caughing, name it. Hope you feel better before Christmas..

J Nowling said...

Hey Kasey - those cookies look awesome. Can you post the recipe?