Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mind Me Mind

So, I have been having mind issues lately. I am a big big worrier, ponderer, whatever you want to call it. I have been a hypochondriac to some extent from my early teens. Well, it really hit after Damon passed away. To the point of almost crippeling me with fear. I know, it's not healthy for a person, let a lone a person who is serving God. I had a full physical done before I left Nashville and still had insurance, and the doctor said everything was fine. I know I need to lose weight...thats obvious, but other than that I am in good health. So since February I have been doing pretty good. Until these last two days. I have been feeling like my head is gonna pop off, like maybe I have high blood pressure, and it has sent me into panic attacks. Last night I had to just keep praying to fall asleep, AT my parents. So I say all that to say this, please pray for me. I have started taking the steps to get healthier by eating better (the scale is already showing it, woohoo) I started my morning walking routine today, and have taken my vitamins (those things are nasty, they make me nauseous). I know I can make my health much better for the now, and for the future by what I do this moment, but I do know God will honor my efforts and give me peace of mind, the farther I go along. It seems like a huge mountain in front of me, seeing what all I have to do to reach my goals, but I can only go one step at a time, and one day at a time. Just please pray for me.


Anonymous said...

Kasey, You don't have to post this if you don't want to, but remember that God has NOT given us the spirit of fear, but of peace and love and a SOUND MIND. If His Word says it, it is a promise and God cannot lie. I love you and I'm praying for you. Love, Les