Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sad Day

Today we said goodbye to Blackie. She has been a very very good dog. Raised three puppies...not of her own, but sort of a surrogate momma to them and taught them the ropes. We are not sure what all was wrong, but in people years she was 84, so she had lived a good long life. They think she may have had a stroke. I stayed with her until she was gone...I will miss her, she was a really sweet good and wonderful doggy. She was the best shake-er ever. I love you Hadley Blackie Leonard.


Char said...

You don't know me, but I have read your blog for a long time. I'm so sorry about your mom's dog. I know from experience that it's like losing a member of the family. We currently have a black lab that is recovering from cancer. We pray daily that she's going to live a long life. Your family will be in my prayers.

Bobbinoggin said...

how a dog shakes says a lot about their personality i think.

i know blackie meant a lot to you.

i'm glad you could be with her through to the end.

i'm so sorry dear.

here's a doggie shaking memory for you.

my favorite dog was our first miniature schnauzer, minnie. that dog knew what i was saying without me saying it. she'd sit across the room from me, and all i'd have to do was point at her paw and she'd raise it for me. then i'd point at the other one, and she'd raise that one. very cool.

love you lots.

~Amy said...

Awww, I'm so sorry to hear about that, Kasey. She does sound sweet and like she lived a good life.

crystal said...

Hey yo katious kasey, Yeah Im having a blast here in Snowshoe... I love my job.. All I do is drive sleds and snowboard... Im a tail guide so pretty much I just make sure no one gets lost or hurt.. and since Im in the back I can play in the snow... Im sry to hear about ur dog.. Hope ur having a wonderful holiday season... later..

Valerie said...

Sorry to hear about Blackie, it is hard to loose an animal that has been in the family for years. We have been there and done that, it is sad.