Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankful, and Sad

How can you be both?? I am. I got to see my Cousin this week for a couple of days. I haven't seen him in almost four years. I hadn't realized how much I have missed him. I am so thankful to have had this time to see him, but now I am sad, because he is leaving again, tomorrow morning. So tonight was the last night for a long while, that we will get to hang out. We are only two years apart, me being the older one, so we grew up together for the time he lived in Idaho. Now he lives near DC. For the time he was here, again, I am so glad we got to spend time together. He helped me buy my very first Christmas tree as a home owner. Damon and I had a little one, that I will display as well, but now that I have a bit more room, I wanted a full size tree. I really enjoy real trees, but the cost of those add up year after year. So today Erik helped me pick out a nice full FAKE tree on a great day after Thanksgiving sale. When I left the pinnochle party tonight, I almost cried. I teared up.