Thursday, August 07, 2008


Thats what I have done this morning. Shampooed my couch, cleaned it...whatever you call it. I used my little cleaner machine. I been vacuuming, and straightening the house. I started yesterday, need to finish today. In between all of that, I have been applying for jobs. There isn't as much out there as when I first moved here. I am trying to just be patient, but for a person like me, thats hard. I need to do my part by applying, God help me to do my part.

Tomorrow morning, I need to get up early and mow the lawn. Before it gets hot. It hasn't been to bad for August yet. August is usually 100-107 degrees...I think yesterday it was in the mid 90's, so it really has been mild. I can't believe its August already. Time is flying.

Well, I hope everyone has a good day.


Jessa Stephens said...

I really , REALLY like your new layout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I had the motivation to clean like that!!!! Jenna and I have hard wood floors that...not carpet....but they really need a good scrubbing. Furniture pulled out and all that.....