Sunday, August 03, 2008

Officially Official

I didn't get the job I interviewed for. I received an email today. Onto other things. God will not shut one door, without opening another. I just need to remember that, and TRUST.

Today, was spent with Grandmother called me on Friday evening asking me if I wanted to come to her family's family reunion. Short notice, but I sort of thought I needed to go. SOOOO....its a long drive to where they live, about 2 and a half hours, so I was trying to find people to ride with me. Mom and I will be out of town next weekend too, because of a wedding that is far away, so she didn't want to be gone two weekends in a row. So I got a hold of my cousin from my other side of the family, and she went with me. Made the trip much more easy. I was blessed and thankful to spend the time with her. Though I didnt know 1/3 of the people there, I went to show my grandmother that I cared about her and loved her and wanted to be a support. So, now I am home...and today has been a lot of driving.

I picked a bunch of apricots while at the reunion, so I want to make some jam, and freeze some apricots to eat. Anything home grown, tastes so much better. Maybe its because its allowed to reach ripeness.

Pray for me, I am going to be applying to and calling more places tomorrow.


~Amy said...

I'll be praying for you. Please do the same for me. I've got a prospect at a high school I'm hoping to hear from. And you're right: where God closes one door, He'll open another or a window or something. ;-) Hang in there. It'll happen.

The apricots sound really good. Have fun making the jam and stuff. :D

Glad you had a good day, too. We all need those every now and again. ;-)

Erika J. said...

i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE dried apricots. I mean REALLY dried. they don't sale them in the store like they used to. they're all fat and icky.

i'm praying for you!

Kasey said...

How do you dry them???