Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel, YUM! There arent the amount of Cracker Barrel's out in Idaho yet, as there are in TN, so this mornings breakfast was so yummy. To top that off...I got to share it with.....the.....are you ready....

SUTTONS!! Thats right, Brother and Sister Sutton were bringing there van back from Seattle and got their hotel in Boise, which is the city where I work. So I got up a bit earlier, and met them for a great breakfast! It was so good to see them! My Aunt, who I carpool with, met up for breakfast as well!

After a great breakfast...I had the best day at work I have had so far. I was learning how to do waybill releases, and it was so much more interesting than some of the other days. I met up with my Aunt again for lunch at Moon's cafe. I got home tonight, and feel just wore out...or lazy. I have discovered I am a lazy person. I don't know when I got so lazy, but I want the Lord to help me with this...watching one of my Love Comes Softly series movies, sounds good right now. Who knows...but anyway, thank You Lord for a day that was a great day. Help me to praise You and honor You daily. I want everyday to please Jesus, I know I fail a lot, but I want to do my best. Love you all, have a great evening.


Mark said...

I just thought it was great that on a day that didn't seem to start out so good, it sounds like it turned into a pretty good day. Praise God.

Netty said...

Sis. Kasey,
We so enjoyed spending time with you and your Aunt. It was a delightful time on a very looooooooong trip!
Your Aunt was very sweet. I even liked her name. "Aunt Molly"
Glad you are liking your job!;0)

Love ya,
Sis. Net