Thursday, August 14, 2008


I got flies in my house. YUCK. I had a little BBQ last night and the sliding glass door kept getting opened to go in and out to the patio (which is fine, I wanted to leave it open) but now...I have FLIES.


Vicki Smith said...

Just wanted to tell you your template is TOO CUTE and that is an ADORABLE picture of you and Damon. --Love you.

Valerie said...

lol, with the kids running in and out of here all the time I have became friends with the flies! They aggravate me to no end, and I have a good ole fly swatter to help me out...

Kasey said...

I had my cousins's kids, my 2nd cousins here last night, and they were going in and out. along with this big

wemmies said...

Here is a trick that will work to keep the flies out. PROMISE!!!

Get a zip-lock sandwich baggie fill it half way with water and tape it to the window of the entry that will be open. It scares the flies off and they wont come in. I have seen several restaurants do it and they never have flies.

Tam said...

Flies...YUCK!!!! I hate to have flies in my house.

Erika J. said...

i think everytime lance opens the door in the kitchen, a fly is waiting to come in here. we get them quite often and they drive me insane. i can't bring myself to kill them. lance said they only have a lifespan of a few days anyway so what does it matter. haha.

Kasey said...

I might have to try that Wendy

Valerie said...

lol@ Erika!