Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bad Dreams

I know there's a lot going on with everyone, but please pray for me. I had bad/sorta scary dreams and it really has me down. Last night I had such a calm and peacefulness, and now I am just bothered. I know I can maintain it by just giving it back to the Lord. Please pray for me. For all of our loved ones that need the Lord.

I hope everyone has a good day.


Mark said...

I prayed for you. I hope you feel better. For me, that bothered feeling left when I was led to your blog. There was too much joy to be seen to let myself continue to feel that way. Sometimes it is not that easy, but God will lead you out of that feeling and He will do it soon.

Amanda Bull said...

Nightmares can be so disturbing. I'm praying for a good night's sleep for you tonight. Love ya, sis.