Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Time Management

Okay...I have a prayer request...I really need better time management. I don't know what it is about me, but I am horrible about this. GRRRR. I go to bed waaaay late, then get up fairly early, then don't hardly ever do a morning devotion. I did today, thank the Lord, though half asleep. I hit snooze about 5 times every morning. I just need to get myself together and manage things better. Damon and I shared the responsibilties, he took such good care of me. The Lord saw fit to relieve Damon of his earthly labors, and I know He will bless my efforts in trying to please Him even with my time. So please just pray for me in this.

Emily gets here soon! I am soo thankful she is coming. Oh, last night I looked at plane tickets about a month from now, to fly to TN for the weekend. 500-600 dollars for a plane ticket! Can you believe that?!?! I know they will be higher because of fuel, but not THAT much higher. Waah. They need to come down. Please pray they come down. I want to get to see TN and Damon's grave as soon as I can. But I need to be able to afford the ticket.

Ciao. I gotta hurry off to work.