Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oh Boy!

Today Aaron T. graduates from high school, and from my alma matta. If you can call a high school that. Gotta leave by 7 to get there halfway on time. Its about 15minutes away, but who knows the traffic I will be dealing with. I cannot believe that kid is graduating! I was his sunday school teacher long long ago. Man, that makes me feel so old. I know, 25, and I feel old...most of you will tell me to hush. But seriously, it is weird when you start referring to young people as kids and what you did back then, and cheap gas was when you were young. I wish him all the best in this new phase of life though!

I have been physically laboring in my yard for the past four days, and I tell ya, a body goes to sleep much easier at night when you are dog tired. We, my parents and I, hand dug my parking area for Damon's trailer, its about 11 foot wide by 15 feet long, and we dug it about four inches down. Thats tough stuff. Thank the Lord He gave us the strength needed and we got it done. Thanks mom and dad! Tonight, before the graduation, I am supposed to be trying to get another part of my landscaping done. I wanted it done for when Emily gets here, but I don't see that happening.

Speaking of Emily, she gets here tonight. I am excited!! Well, I better get off here. Have a blessed day in the Lord!


Tam said...

I had a dream last night that I came to Idaho to visit you. I remember it being beautiful weather. No humidity. Isn't that weird to remember such things from a dream?