Friday, May 23, 2008


Please pray for Abby today, she is getting spayed. I know it is necessary...but it breaks my heart to see them in pain. I remember when Honey came home from being fixed...ugh. It was awful. She was fine, with the exception of beeing loopey, but I didn't like seeing her like that. With the three day weekend, and Abby being a puppy, I thought this would be the best time to get this done. I get to pick her up tomorrow morning and spend the long weekend making sure she is okay.

Oh, and by the way, learned something new. If and when you melt white chocolate and try to color it, make sure you use oil based food coloring, or food coloring in powder form. I kept trying to dye mine last night and it kept seezing up. I asked Sybil and she told me to make sure it wasn't water based. I never knew that. Thought it might be useful to someone else.


Valerie said...

Awww, I hope everything goes well with Aabby. I took Sassie last summer and had her fixed,and she did well.She is very old almost 14 yrs and they even told me she might not make it through the surgery, but she did.

I did not even know you could color chocolate and such.. good to know,if I ever tried it

Katie said...

Aww, poor Abby. She'll be okay though:)

I miss you and want you to come back to TN:)

Love you tons