Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow I have some more house stuff going on. I will be TRYING to finish the landscaping. I tell you, it has been a long, tiring, and sore process. :) Sore and tired on the body, and a long time comin' on completion! Anyway, my cousin and her hubby are coming to help again, and another family friend of mine. HOPEFULLY, we shall get it done! I feel like a grown up sort of. Not that I didn't before, but truly I could NEVER be where I am at this point in my life without God's wonderful grace and mercy. It is simply amazing to me. Not only has He saw me through the time of losing Damon, and the continual healing of my heart (which I have learned the pain never goes away or is easier, it is just less frequent, as Brother Steve would say), but I am a woman, a child of the King, who owns her own house. An only child, who didn't like ever being alone, and here I am, in this house, all by myself. You cannot tell me that isn't God. Miracle Worker, He is! Now, it's not my ideal situation, but God has blessed me on this new path. In a heartbeat, well less than a heart beat, I would have my sweet husband back and live in a shack in timbucktwo, just to be with Damon. But that is obviously not God's will at this point. For a time, a season, I was Damon's wife and helpmeet, it was completely wonderful and joyous, yes there were hard times, but they taught us about life and the Lord. Now, this time, is the time to plant I feel...I am with the Lord's guiding Hand, planting or He is planting me, in a new garden of life. I want to be able to grow wherever He chooses to put me.

Well, I need to vacuum, so good night.


Grace & Co said...

I cannot tell you how much of an inspiration you have been to me! I look up to you... God bless you Kasey!

Unknown said...

kasey, it's SO exciting to hear about all the improvements you're making to your house. when will we finally get to see some pictures? don't keep me in suspense, here!