Saturday, May 10, 2008


Emily comes here in less than three weeks. I am so (in her word) "jazzed!" I need to get everything ready!!! Though I am 90% unpacked I still have boxes in the guest room closet, and my office closet. The only boxes in mine are things I want left packed (I think anyway). Anyway, I am just so super super excited to have here, but I guess I mentioned that already.

My house needs some cleanin' done! With starting this new job, I haven't kept it up as much as I would normally like to. Plus with getting the outside all spiffy, the inside needs a good scrubbing!! I think I shall do that here in a bit.

I planted more flowers today, still have some waiting to be planted. And, I now, officially...have a garden. I planted six strawberry plants. It's not a very big space, but I have some more room to plant a few other things, I hope to do that soon as well!

My baby girl turned 5 months old on the 8th of May. Abby is the baby girl. She is going to be sooo big. It is funny how honey puts her in her place even though Honey weighs a 1/5 of what she weighs, or less.

I got my momma some hanging baskets for her porch for Mother's Day, and a strawberry bouquet. They were covered in chocolate. SOO yummy. This morning we met my grandparents and Aunt for a Mother's Day treat as well. That was fun.

Well, I guess that is it for now. Have a great day.


Bekka said...

Hey,thats pretty cool stuffage. :) I need to talk my mama into letting all of us "spiff" up our yard too. SPRING IS HERE!! lol :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Kasey! Thanks for the message on LiveJournal. I read your blog here from time to time and keep up with what all is going on with you. :) I need to get your new mailing address when you get a chance. My email is