Tuesday, February 07, 2006

YES, I AM a hick.

Are you a hick?

1. Have you ever gone mudding? yes ma'am!
2. Have you ever riden a bull? no, but wanted to. I have ridden practice barrels though!
3. If so, did you last 8 seconds? n/a
4. Have you ever cut through a corn field on foot or driving to run from the law?from the law...no, but been through one.
5. Have you ever driven a tractor? yes
6. Have you ever been on a horse?I think I was born on one
7. Ford or chevy? Read my letters.... F O R D
8. kissed someone in a pick up truck? Now I can't kissssss n tell can I? Sure I can, YES!
9. Whats your favorite country song? Jason Aldeen, Why do I hurt you so bad, or something like that.
10. Ever done 90 miles per hour down a dirt road? Tried :P
11. Worked on a farm? yes
12. Been to a rodeo? Bury me in an arena :P Actually I was rodeoing from age 4. Two time all around cowgirl thank you very much!
13. Do you own cowboy boots? Yes, about 4 pair I guess.
14. Do you have a cowboy hat?About 4
15. Have you ever said git r done? yup
16. country skyline or a city skyline? Country
17. Can you name a rodeo star? Ty Murray, Charmayne James, Whitfield.
18. Do you think tractors are sexy? Yes, if Damon's driving. But I like em anyway
19. Ever gone 4-wheeling? If you haven't figured it out yet, I am a hick so the answer is YES...
20. Gone hunting? Yes sir...bagged my first elk at 13 I believe.
21. Gone fishing? no...JUST KIDDING. almost gotcha didn't I, YES! Deep Sea, river, Lake, you name it. been there. done that.
22. Is your heart in the country? It's in Idaho :P
23. Been on a hay ride? yessum
24. Have you ever line danced? took classes :P
25. Camped under the stars? Yes, without TP too!
26. Have you ever tiped a cow? No, mean.
27. Do you drive a pick up truck? Yes, altho I sold it and have moved to a car for comfort and economy. I know, I'm a wimp! *hangs head in shame*
28. fell asleep in a hay stack? Probably, fell asleep on my horse, why not a hay stack!
29. Have you picked up Road Kill? don't think so.
30. Is your IQ lower than your Tire size? What's an IQ? Did you say tire size? 33's please!