Saturday, January 24, 2009

Things I Want

Spring!!! I am ready for Spring to be here. I know the snow/rain is good for the land, I am just saying, when the sunshine comes...wooohoooooooo!!!

A JOB! I know God has one in store for me. I just want the grace to accept when it comes!

Flowers for Valentines

More time spent in prayer and Bible reading, that one is all on me, better time managment.

To Paint my office and guest bedroom, and RE Paint my master bath.

For my mom to have a wondermous birthday.

A friend, one I can hang out with, have fun with.

To make a quilt.

To crochet, and do it well.

To make chili, from scratch.

To go hunting with my dad again.

To travel to these places: Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Australia, Washington DC (to visit my cousin), South Dakota (Laura Ingalls Homestead), and Alaska.

To live walk in the perfect will of God, each day.


~Amy said...

Kasey, wasn't your master bath the brown and blue one? It was sooo pretty. Why would you want to repaint it?

When you travel to all those places, I'll tag along, o.k.? ;-)

I want a friend I can hang out with too. I understand. I'll be praying that the Lord will send a kindred spirit your way AND a truly terrific, fabulous-o job.

Love ya.

Jessa Stephens said...

Oh ya I want spring too!!!!

AND. Make a quilt...somday.....