Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Game for Wii

So, mom got me Wii Fit for Christmas. And...I LIKE IT!! Verdict, it really works you out, I am sweaty, and its FUN!!


Grace & Co said...

Caleb and Mandie have WiiFit and I love it!! It does give you a great workout too..

~Amy said...

I've been wanting one of those, especially the FIT package. I think I'd really use it to work out, like really for real. Hmmmm .... my birthday's in March ... ;-)

Erika J. said...

we've been tossing around the idea of getting it. i don't know if it's RA friendly though. what do you think?

Valerie said...

YAY! Seems like everybody got a Wii this year for Christmas. I want one so bad. I played bowling this weekend at my aunts house with Gina, we had a lot of fun. Gina even fell to the floor trying to get the ball down the lane. It was funny. Hope you have fun with it.

Kasey said...

Valerie- I got the wii over the summer, i haven't played it all that much until recently. but I do like it. I havent played the sports thing in a LONG time, but its sorta fun, just not by yourself. :)

Erika- I guess it depends on where most of your joint pain is...I know you have elbow problems, but you shoudl be fine as far as that goes. I have done most of the games and aerobics stuff and that really uses your leg muscles. Nothing is overly quick movements tho. Cept maybe the jogging game. The yoga and stretching use the whole body. I think it is do-able because you can go slow as you want and gauge depending one how you feel. AND...the excercises are short like one minute i think.

Becky said...

We played the Wii in Montana. It is a fun little system, isn't it. Thanks again for collecting my mail while we were gone. Fortunately, not a ton of bills to come home to. Just a lot of Christmas cards, so that was nice!