Monday, January 05, 2009

Big Tears

Emily leaves soon. I am sad. I guess one of the good things about being best friends with someone is that they see you in all of your lights. Good and Bad, and still love you. I can't say I have always said or done the right thing as her friend, but I love her more than she will ever know. I firmly believe that God brought us close together at just the right time. It has been said, and she says I tell everyone this, that it is surprising she and I are friends. I guess because we are truly, so different. She enjoys shopping, I enjoy cooking. She enjoys shopping, I enjoy the you notice a trend...haha. Just kidding, sort of ;) Despite how different we are, God formed our friendship at a divinely appointed time. It was at some point after my Damon went to Heaven. I am not sure when, or how the deeper friendship began, but I know that my life is greater and more richly blessed because of her. There are friends that come along in life, that you just know are a gift from God. So though I have failed at being the perfect friend many times, I want to be through thick and thin friend, that is always there no matter what may come. I love you Emily D. I wish you weren't leaving, but as you must, God Speed.


emily said...

I love telling the story of how you and I became such good friends. Because out of two situations that were full of heartache and pain (and still is) came a friendship that brings lots of smiles and laughs. We are so different but there is no denying the blessing of friendship that God has given us. I know neither one of us will ever let that go. I love you bunches. My prayer is the same. No matter the distance, no matter the differences, that God will help me to be the friend He wants me to be to you.

Thank you for having me. I love being here and I am thankful for the time I get to spend with you, your family, your friends here...know that I am going to miss you. It's hard for me too. I love you.

I love that whole God Speed part too. Pray He makes my trip home quick and easy. That would be awesome.

LaDonna said...

I'm so glad you and Em are friends. I hope you had a good visit with her. Tell your mom I said thank you for her compliment. Love you.