Saturday, January 17, 2009

Can I Get Off This Ride Now??

The Sinus ride. I have been having sinus issues since before Emily got here. They seems to come and then go. When I first started having my fears over my health before Christmas it was because my head felt like it was going to pop off. Which I found out is sinuses. Well, then it went away mostly. Now its back. Please please pray for me. The main issue I have is my plugged ears. I have been doing the steamy shower thing and trying to breathe in and spit all that gunk out. Sorry guys...anyway, well I just got a netti pot or whatever you call it. Its some sinus thing, basically looks like a mini teapot and you mix warm water with (what I think is mostly a salt mixture)a little packet, then tip your head forward and put the end (sorry, gross again) in one nostril and let it go through the nasal passage and out the other. I have done that twice today. Well, then I noticed it said, if you have pressure in the ears do not use. So now, I am back to square one. No medicines seem to work anymore. The only thing that has barely touched it is the generic sudafed, but I dont use it anymore. I have been praying. To top it off, we have an inversion going on here. Traps the bad air under the cloud line, which makes matters worse. I know there are worse things in life, but this is just a minor annoyance and i need prayer. I have not been getting good sleep, which lowers ammunities. I cooked fresh garlic in my dinner tonight. Garlic is good for you. And, I been drinking OJ. Please please please, pray!


connie said...

Perhaps try raw garlic. Micah found out that if you take a banana, spread peanut butter on it and slice a raw garlic on it, it is bearable.

Also good, is Sis. Libby's cough syrup, which is good for any kind of sickness.
2 Tablespoons lemon juice (1/8 cup)
1/4 cup honey
2 cloves garlic
I use my mixer in my 2 cup measuring cup to beat it up really good.
Take it by the spoonful or just drink it.

Kasey said...

thanks sis connie. :) I will have to try that.

Anonymous said...

Drink Apple Juice. OJ kills. hahaha.

Bobbinoggin said...

I get sinus infections, hay fever, and hay fever induced asthma all the time.

What kicks it in the butt for me:

Flonase (a nasal spray)
And Allegra (pill)

Both are prescription. If you still have insurance, do it now before you're off of it. It's VERY worth it!!!!

If you don't have insurance, try Wal-mart's generic Claritin (equate brand). Or, try Zyrtec (or its generic).

The big help though is the nasal spray, and the OTC brands don't come close to the wonders of the prescription version.

Even if you don't have insurance, you can ask your doctor if he has any samples. I've gotten bottles that way before. Nasalchrom, and other brands work just as well as Flonase.