Monday, November 28, 2005


I need some serious prayer. I feel so overwhelmed. :( Damon and I are flying out to Idaho on Christmas Eve...which is fine and all. But the whole time I will be in Idaho I do NOT get paid, that is 7 working days. I am stressing on money and having enough for car payment and still being able to do Christmas shopping. We are by no means broke but when you have about 800 a month going out in car payments alone it puts a burden on finances. I know it was my choice to buy a brand new car, I love the car, regret the payment. I wish I could sell it for something less expensive. I regret this :( I am worried about it. Then, I talk to my mom this morning via IM and she talks about being happy where I am at cus I wont ever be able to move back home until I am content with where I am at. I know this... I love my mom, I appreciate her. But I feel as though our conversations are so centered around this. I want to move home so bad...2000 miles is a long way. I miss home and family. But I just can't deal with it right now, I am so stressed about so much, I need to let go and let God. I have much to be thankful for. I know I have much. I am about ready to cry. Please pray for me, Damon, and all that affects us, if you would. I know my problems are minut compared to others. Lastly...I WISH I COULD TYPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Does anyone else feel this way. I just wish for one day I was a billionare. ONE DAY. I would pay off all car payments all everything. Buy two houses, one here and one in Idaho with cash, then buy lots of gift cards so after my day is up I still have lots of money to shop with for clothes and grocerys. I would pay my utilities up for a couple of years...and then buy about 20 refundable plane tickets and a gas card with 2 million on it. I could do it all in one day and get it taken care of so by the next day when I am broke again I am set.


Kasey said...


Anonymous said...

What a great site
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