Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Holiday Packages and Such...

Check this out... http://www.jonessoda.com/

Turkey anyone? I know this will sound really gross, but I want to try them strictly to see what its like!! They are sold at Target, and I know I have a post about a ban on shopping at Target, but I REALLY want to try these! What do y'all think? Am I gross or would you try it too?

Anyhoo...so much going on in life right now you know?! I just got my grocery list typed up for the big day this week! Yes I sometimes type my grocery lists...I don't like it being messy, and since my handwriting isn't that great I type. I am making: for potluck at work tomorrow- homemade rolls (grandmothers, mothers recipe) and cranberry relish salad. For Thursday at Nada's- Garlic Mashed potatoes, cranberry relish salad, autumn apple gooey cake (my latest creation), oh and my green bean casserole. Don't run with horror, I dont use a creamed soup of any form in mine! :) Heres the recipe! http://thanksgiving.allrecipes.com/az/GrandmasGreenBeanCasserole.asp

Update on Sister Grandma in Idaho. She has cancer in three areas I believe, the liver, colon, and pancreas (sp?). She has been given "weeks" to live. Damon asked me last night if I were given the chance to trade her places and know that I would be going to heaven soon, would I do it? I said no, I hope that's not bad of me, I enjoy him and our life together. Living, not of the world but just in it. He said he would trade her. That thinking of the big picture how awesome it would be. Sister Grandma is so sweet, she has asked the Lord to not let her suffer and show her if there is anything she has left to do on this earth. I will miss her if she leaves us.

My 16yr old cousin is schedule to have his colon taken out December 1st as far as we know, please pray for him. His name is Derek.

Thank the Lord my Grandma aka Deendee is doing well!!

Lastly, I decorated the house last night. Damon was working some over time to get extra comp time to go to Idaho at Christmas so I decided to surprise him and have the house all decorated. If I must say so myself it looks really nice. I put my tree up and bought some new decorations for it. It is trimmed in Red, Gold, Clear, and Silver. All I need now is my angel decorations...cough cough Wendy lol! I put the fake pine looking garland up with thick red ribbon trimmed in gold and hung some red balls from it. It looks really pretty! Got a new table cloth in red and white with snowflakes. Set up the nativity scene my grandma gave me and put my Christmas quilt on the couch. I love the feel of Christmas, the smells, family, tis a jolly season!


Erika J. said...

I've seen those drinks on TV. The people that tried them almost threw up. Sounds pretty nasty if ya ask me.

I'm ready to decorate. I have our stockings hung up above the fireplace and some snowmen out. We don't have a tree yet. We are considering getting a real one. I've bought TONS of snowmen though. My tree is going to be blue, silver and white with ALL snowmen. Is it just me or does no one sale white candy canes anymore? GRR.

Kasey said...

ya know...now that you mention it, I haven't seen the white candy canes in a while. We have some at my mom and dads, but that is only because they are so old that we haven't had to buy any in a long time. Hmm...I wonder if you did a search on the net for them if any would show up? I love blue for Christmas time. In fact, my favorite color combo is the tiffany blue with silver and white. But, it's REALLY hard to find anything a long that color scheme. :( Red and Gold it is, which is so typical.