Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yes, He Cares, About Little Things!

Guess what?! Last year for my bday, I bought myself a new digital camera, a casio something. It was cute, and blue (my favorite color), was so excited. Well, then the battery stopped working. I called Casio, they were supposed to send me a new battery because there had been lots of trouble with that battery model. Wait, wait, wait battery. Found receipt to take camera back, but never made the shipping up to send it back to Casio. Lost receipt. Went to Idaho Camera to get new battery. NO battery. *sigh* Went to Wal-Mart today to get some photos that I had ordered, see a battery stand, would you know it??? There is my battery! Problem: where or where did I put that charger?? *Prayer* Get home, look in one room, not there. Start pulling boxes out of the other closet, about half way through, TA DA!! Battery Charger!! Status: new battery currently charging, camera, ready and waiting to be used soon! THANK YOU JESUS! I prayed to find the charger, and I found it. That is a answered prayer! WOOHOO.


Tam said...

I love when that happens. I have done that many times...prayed for something I had lost or something small and TA DA...Jesus came through!!!!!!!

Valerie said...

Well Good!
Glad you found what you were looking for.. :)

emily said...

Yay! This post makes me oh-so happy! How awesome is that?! I know that answer....VERY awesome.

Sara said...


Grace & Co said...

How wonderful! I love it when God answers little prayers like that. It's a reminder to us that He really does care about us, even the little things that may not really matter to other people.

Amanda Bull said...

Yay for your camera! Boo for taking me off your "friends" links. Kidding, of course ;) Have a great day!

~Amy said...

I love that, too, when the Lord helps us with small things. Such an awesome reminder of how much he truly does love us. "Seek and ye shall find." :-)