Friday, April 25, 2008

Notha' Day, Notha' Dolla'

Got to go to work soon so I can, (as my dad would say:) "bring home the bacon." Yesterday was actually a 80% fantastic day at work.

I had a startling revelation yesterday, well I think the Lord explained a scripture to me. With the world events, you can't help but know that His return is soon. Sooner than we think. Now I am not one that likes to think on things too much, simply because I am such a thinker that I put myself in tormoil. But, I kept thinking, how can I be ready. Then the familiar story about the lamps with oil in the Bible would keep coming to mind. Well yesterday, that account became truly clear for me, the five virgins whose lamps were already trimmed with oil, were ready, but they had been doing their every day things. They had been possibly taking care of their younger siblings, housing visitors, feeding animals, etc.. but their lamps were ALREADY trimmed. Translate that to us, we simply need to follow Jesus EACH AND EVERY day, to be ready. Thats it, SIMPLE. Golly...why do I make it so hard. I am not saying not press in, don't get me wrong. But if I, Kasey, am truly following the Lord He will lead me into the exact place with Him that I need to be. But I cannot dilly dally around, playing games with serving Him today, but not tomorrow. Being ready means, serving God, morning-noon-night. And, serving Him is truly the greatest release from the pain in this world, that you will ever know. Yes there will be pain, but it is much much much more bearable with Jesus. That may have come out way different than I felt it explained to me by Him yesterday, but I knew what I got from it. I tried to share...:)

I need to get ready...I need to do my hair still and take off soon. I hope today is a good day at work too. :)


emily said...

This blog comforts me. Thank the Lord for peace of mind.

Tam said...

good post!