Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No Title

Truth filled Quote of the Day
"The good news is too good to keep to yourself."

Challenge for the day, tell someone about Jesus without saying a word. :) Course, if you feel led to tell them some of His good news, then do that too! :)

I woke up early, not being able to breathe well...yuck. Please pray for me.

I had other things to type...hmm...I had a horrible horrible dream. UGH. I HATE dreams like that, yes HATE. HATE HATE HATE. I need the Lord to help me to not let it bog my down all day, and realize it was just a dream.

Thats all for now I guess. Just pray for all the needs you know of, there are many. Right now, I really miss my wonderful husband. But praise the Lord, I knew Damon.