Monday, April 21, 2008

First Attempt

At home made jelly. I attempted Strawberry Jelly tonight. We shall see how it sets up. For all the strawberries I cut up, I sure didn't get much. I do NOT like seeds in preserves/jams/jellies (jelly technically meaning seedless) so I might have strained a bit more than necessary. And, I am to impatient to sit there and let it strain slowly. It tastes...SO GOOD. Store bought just doesn't compare (not cus its my jelly, but anything home made tastes better, ya know?). I really hope it sets up and is super yummy once cooled. I think I already have a problem sealer. I have one that sealed up great, and one that is still poppy. If it doesnt fix before the morning, guess it gets devoured first. Well, it is late, so goodnight.

Please remember to pray for the Clarkson family.


Valerie said...

I agree,anything home made is better than store bought.With the way the food prices are going up,might be a good idea to can a few idems and keep back.

Sounds good though!Strawberry Jelly

wemmies said...

Check your myspace messages woman!

emily said...

I cant wait to try that jelly.