Thursday, September 04, 2008


So, I bought a cookbook recently called Tennessee Heirlooms (or something like that), and I was reading through the recipes last night...well, it just made me miss Tennessee. That place carries so many wonderful memories for me, and some very hard ones. I wish Damon was here, but I can't change the fact that God called him home, it was the Lord's will, and in all honesty as much as IIIII want him here, I know God has a bigger picture. The south has it's southern ways, traditions, that are so old feeling. So deep. I like how when you go through the drive through the lady helping you will call you baby or honey or sweetie no matter if young or old or male or female. As I was thinking about how I missed Tn last night, I wondered what the deep longing was tied to, just because I am a thinker I's because in TN is all things Damon. Our memories, where we shared our life, his family...For so long I was sad in that place, because I had to learn to let go of my old life like the Bible talks about, give up clinging to everything I once was, and cling to my new life as Damon's helpmeet. Once I did that, and it was a slow process, I really bloomed there. I am deeply blessed for my time there, for my time as Damon's wife. I truly could not have asked for anyone better, more wonderful, than the man God gave me. He truly was the greatest husband ever.

I can't help but feel I am in a new phase of life, with moving back home to Idaho. I will always love, remember, think of, cherish my sweet Damon. But I know that I have to grow in a new way now, the bible talks about everything having a "time."

I pray that God will bless you, wherever you are, as you first bless Him. Learn to thank Him for something you have, before you pray for something you don't. Hard thing to do sometimes, but the victory comes in the praise. Pray for me, that I too will praise Him more, and be more thankful. Love you all.


emily said...

Thanks for this post ^^