Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Don't Know About You..

...but yesterday was just one of those weird days. I struggled with just plain down-ness, but not like ultra depressive, just lightly melancholy I guess. Then when I got home, it seemed I had no patience. I was thinking later on that evening, how we are encouraged in the Advice to Members, not to act differently at home than we would in public. Would I want my co workers or neighbors to see the impatience I had last night?? The answer is no. As I was reading this morning's devotion, I wanted to share part of it with you all. I share it as a human being realizing I need all the help from the Lord I can get, because I am truly in need of His guidance and help. More of Him, less of me.

"Patience gives us the privilege of sharing the refreshing fruit of God with others." — Joe Stowell

"Our wrath uncurbed will not fulfillGod’s perfect plan for us;We must be patient and refuseTo fret, to fume, to fuss." —Sper

"Be patient. Show your world what God is really like."