Saturday, May 05, 2007


We slept in until 11:30. You heard me right. I feel so lazy! Damons asthma has been pretty bad. I annointed him with oil last night and prayed. We were on our way to the emergency room and he told me to turn around, because it was so much better. It has not gotten as bad as it was last night, since we prayed. I thank the Lord for that. However, he still can't get too active or he gets winded easily. He won't tell me how he is doing, i have to pry it out of him and do the "how bad is it, out of a 1 to 10, 10 being the worst" scale. Last night was a 7, 8, or 9. After our prayer it dropped to a 4 rating and got to a 5 this morning. That may not seem like a lot to anyone else but me, but I thank the Lord He touched Damon. anyway he doesnt sleep well when his asthma is bothered because he wakes up so much. So I got up at 8 to get ready for the meeting, but thought i needed to stay with him. (childrens ministry meeting) and came in the living room and read my Bible for a while. Then went laid down again.

I am trying to find modest culottes online. I want to try my hand at sewing again, but...i yi's so involved. This is a me thing. being honest. I love how comfortable culottes are. But I need ones that look like a skirt and are full, but not too full. I am full enough with fat, I dont need to look like a baloon. Ya know.

our vacation is coming up soon. I am getting excited and concerned. Money is an issue. We have been saving, but is it going to be enough. I don't want to be broke for vacation.

Thats all for now, I need to go grocery shopping and to the fabric store.