Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ouch...my head!

I have a headaaaaache! Yowchy yowch. One piece of advice....if at all possible, do not do housework with a headache. Also, do not raise your head up to fast from the stooped position. You tend to feel your pulse in your temples.

For dinner tonight we had a lovely frozen pizza, yum! I did not feel well towards the end of the day at work thus did not want to cook when i got home. Just a side note, I am thankful we have food. We could be in a place where there isn't food or fresh water, so thank You Lord.

I finished making my mothers day cards. I am NOT a stamper/scrapbooker person. my cards tend to end up looking funny, yet my mommy loves them because she knows I try. Well, a few of the women in my life are getting some my mom made, aka pretty, and a the others are getting the ones I made...aka, not really pretty. LOL. I just dont have the patience for it.

Tonight i folded laundry, my arch enemy, yet again..thankful for clothes to wear! Swept, vacuumed, did dishes and shook rugs. The house looks MUCH better! Damon even commented on it. i try to keep the house work up, but I havent had much motivation running through me lately. I even had a load sitting in my bedroom thats been clean since last weekend, or the last week (maybe) that still needed to be folded!

I need to go to bed, I am always tired- so it seems- in the morning. Might be because I go to bed at 10:30 or11:30 and get up at 6...or lately i have been getting up at "6ish" which translates to 6:45. Say a prayer for me, Jesus loves you soooo much!


Rachel said...

I try to keep a pizza in the freezer too for nights I don't feel like/have the time to make supper.

Hope your headache is better!