Thursday, May 10, 2007

Macaroni and Cheeeese much for my big plans of cleaning tonight. Damon was at a side job and I thought "Kasey this would would be a GREAT night to clean, then you will have it done for the weekend." I got the bathroom done...sort of. I didnt get the floor mopped, but I did clean the shower, toilet, sink, surfaces of sink and toilet..etc.

THEN I started to make Dinner. Steak and Chicken (damon steak, me chicken) Macaroni and cheese, and dr pepper cake. I know, I veggie. I didn't wanna cook much and that was all I got to. The cake was a boxed mix, that I added dr pepper to. We shall see if it tastes good.

I would ask that all who read this, say a prayer for the following situation. My grandmother has given the house to one of my cousins. His fiancee has taken all of my Grandmas things out of the house or put them down stairs. I would really like to be there to go through the things to see what I would like to have. It's not just to "get stuff" it is to hold on to a part my heritage and cherished family momentos. I am very close to my deendee and I love anything that belonged to her and my granpda (well almost). I am trying to get a flight out this next weekend. currently the plane tickets are 344 for the weekend. I need prayer that A) they go down to wear I can afford to get a ticket with one of my vouchers, or B) that Damon can get his side job done and i can get the ticket by this saturday. I really want to be there. PLEASE pray.


Rebekah Doran said...

How was the cake?

Heather said...

Yeah- I am dying to know how the cake was- and if it was good, I must have the recipe b/c I am a Dr. Pepper fanantic!!