Monday, April 02, 2007

Crazy Kitty

My cat...*sigh* is so funny! He has been chasing his ball (with the bell in it) for about 10-20 minutes. He will pick it up and carry it in his mouth like its some sort of prize, weirdo.

Found a cool saying... "My life helps paint my neighbor’s picture of God."

You know, regardless of my weaknesses, I want to make it to Heaven and I want to take as many as I can with me. I want to be able to give up fleshly things, if need be. If it comes right down to it I want to be able to to stand for the Lord and make it, whatever it may be. I want to stand for the Lord every day. To show His Love. Some days I feel as if I am so off the mark, God help me during these times and every day. I love Him, He has done soooo much for me. Let me ever worship and praise You Lord. You are my Peace, my Sanity, my Happiness!

Have a good day!


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