Wednesday, April 11, 2007

carry your candle

Let's carry our candles out into this dark world today. Jesus makes so much of a difference. With Jesus you can be happy, with Jesus you don't have to carry pain all by yourself. With Jesus you have a shoulder to lean on. Cool Huh! So carry your candles so people can see what you have, and want it for themselves.

Johnny Cash's old home burned down. Too bad, I am sure it was a landmark and showcase of history for all who came to see it.

It is windy, storm front is coming in. I am glad it has warmed up and is raining, because as I said I just planted all of my landscaping stuff. It needs rain. Wind, i could do without...don't want to have the little guys blown down. They say lightning too. :( Although I like storms, I don't want to see my little plants torn apart. As of the news this morning,the big stuff is about a half hour away.

I made dinner from left overs last night. I added a few new ingredients, but it was YUM-O. I split the bread rolls in half on a plate then made a rue (equal amounts of butter and flower, that you cook for a minute or so till it's creamy...for those of you who didn't know. Though most probably do) and used chicken broth to make a gravy, which I added some of the leftover gravy from sunday. Then i sauteed some leftover ham, so it was nice and toasty. Added some brocolli and a small cube of velveeta, then topped all of that with the gravy mixture and let it blend for about 5 minutes. Then I topped the rolls with that mixture, YUMMY. Damon ate his whole plate. Go ME!! I then made peanut butter cookies, but he didn't like them. He said that he probably doesn't like peanut butter cookies. Because I tasted them and they are good. My recipe that I have used for years, with the exception of chocolate chips, I added some milk chocolate chips this time. Oh well, now I know he doesnt like PB cookies.

I need to get ready for work, I have 18 minutes and I am still if my jammies, with only my teeth brushed :D.

I still have my bruise from giving blood :(

Oh yeah, pray for Damon and I tonight...we are doing the devotion (as i really wanted, Damon has taken on pretty much the whole thing) and want to find the Lords will. I am really proud of Damon, I love him. Its nice to study the Word together. He has some really good thoughts and I pray that the Lord would just use and bless him tonight.