Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Titleless Title

Damon blogged...check it out! My baby deserves some commenting! paintermanbroyles.blogspot.com

Not much going on, I started my new exercise routine last night. I don't wanna go again tonight, but I know I need too. I have lost some weight, so I want to keep it off and keep going.

Damon is building Honey a dog house. He has become quite the carpenter, and I am so happy for him that he is having fun building things. Especially when it means a deck for us and a house for my doggie.

Two months from Today my parents, Damon and myself, will be starting our first official day of vacation. I am really excited! Saving the money is kind of stressful, but better to save than to charge! We are going to Gatlinburg and have our cabin reserved already. Still have to decide on a hotel in chattanooga. Mom wants one in the waterfront district, I don't blame her, its my favorite part!

Hmm......i try to think of things that are interesting but I guess I have become boring. I am just thankful for another day that the Lord has given me, to love and serve Him and try to be the best example to the world that I can be. I don't know what to cook for dinner, I am defrosting chicken so we will see where it goes.

We got a new neighbor, he seems to be pretty decent.

I am buying the plants for our garden this weekend hopefully and some miracle grow, and some kind of repellent to keep my cats out of the flower bed. They seem to think it's their potty. I DON'T think so!! My nephews are chasing each other with water guns outside, crazy boys.

see ya later people


Rachel said...

Are ya still going to Curves? I wanna join but I don't know when I'll get a "roundtoit"... need to look for one on ebay I guess, lol

Are the loud music neighbors the ones that are replaced?

Kasey said...

I am not a member at Curves anymore...they moved my location and I didn't like it. So I am just jogging around my neighborhood for all the world to see a fat woman huffing along.