Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sick Saturday

Blech. I feel sick all the sudden. YUCK. Pray for me.

Otherwise today has been fairly uneventful. I woke up late, must have shut my alarm off. :( Mom and I went and did some running around today. Our local farm store was having a big sale, the whole store actually, so she got a few things and one of the things I got was a pair of borne flip flops...they are sandles with the flip flop v, if that makes sense. Anyway they were already on clearance with an additional 20% off. Woot woot. I enjoy deals like that. :)

I have TWO interviews next week. Yes folks, you read right. TWO. :)I am praying for a job, and more importantly the job Jesus has for me. I want only the windows opened that He would open.

Oh and this morning my mom and I went door to door on their street trying to find a home for this cute little dog that has been hanging around their place recently. He looks like a miniature rottweiler. He has a pug face, but is much taller, about 14-16 inches tall and has the color of a rottweiler. Anyway, noone knew who he belonged to for sure, but one neighbor thinks he lives on the very end of the street. So hopefully Rico ( I gave him that name) finds his home soon.

Hope yall had a great Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Of course you can take the title!

And I'll be praying you don't get sick! And the interviews!

Sara said...

i will pray for you to feel ALL better! and yes i would love the recipe for the fudge float. would ya email it to me? love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey - sorry you were under the weather. Are you feeling better? :o)