Monday, February 09, 2009

Right Kinda Wait

So, shew, thank the LORD! What kind of waiter are you? When I say waiter, I mean how do you wait? Wait for your dreams to come true, for things to fall into place, for good things to happen, etc.. I confess, I am sometimes, okay, more often than not, a poor waiter. I get discouraged, upset, impatient. Yesterday was a great day, but greatness came at the end of the day. Of course each day, is a chance for us to praise the Lord, to CHOOSE how we will live and appreciate what that day holds. Yes, I am speaking to myself on this one. I got some much needed, and more than I could have ever imagined news last night. Then, as I was going through my filing cabinet looking for some paperwork and decideed to start going through things and clean it out, I found my goodbye cards from last year when I moved. I decided to go through them, and GUESS WHAT?! I completely forgot about the gift card to home depot from my work. So it was like the cherry on top of the sunday. As I read my devotional last night, I was just overwhelmed by how GOOD God is to me. Just because He doesn't operate on my time table, doesn't mean I should get discouraged in the wait. He is NEVER late, He is always on time. I thank Him for His care for me, and patience, and goodness. I have so much that I lack, but am so thankful that He molds me day by day. I pray I remain that way, I want to be soft clay in His Hands.

I just wanted to thank the Lord, and share my thoughts. And, the job interview went pretty well today. Just a waiting game! :)


Tam said...

Don't you love when that happens. Like when you find money in a pocket. It's the best!

Erika J. said...

I'm glad you are feeling UP. Keep looking that way too.

Love ya.

Bobbinoggin said...

I'm glad the interview went well for you.

Becky said...

Still thinking about you (and praying for you) as always. Whatever happens, as you know, is what's meant to.

I love finding things I forgot about. I had a pair of movie tickets tucked away in the pocket of my breast pump from when Lindsey was a baby. Once Courtney came along, I found them. Not like we've probably even used them yet since we're (meaning me) so bad about leaving the girls. It was still nice finding them though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey :o) Glad to hear of a few job prospects. Still praying for you. --Shanna

emily said...

"to CHOOSE how we will live and appreciate what that day holds"

I needed that.