Friday, October 03, 2008

Missing Him

I miss Damon. A lot. I don't talk about it a lot because I don't want to come off as complaining or ungrateful or whatever. I am so blessed to have had him as my husband. I can't ever thank the Lord enough for giving me Damon. I know it was time for Damon to go home, and I am happy for him. I miss him though, a lot. I love my husband, and miss him. Say a prayer for me please. God has kept me, sustained me, and held me this far. He won't let go now.


Valerie said...

I know it is tough, I miss my cousin Paula like something awful. I think about her daily and wish she was here. I know she is in a better place, and I really would not want to wish her back here and take her from there.

My aunt Judy and me were talking yesterday about how when people pass away, for the first few weeks everybody is talking about them and missing them, then after time passes by it gets to where nobody talks about them anymore. I am always thinking about Paula and talking about her and the fun times we had and sharing the memories with others. It is hard to deal with, and it is hard to explain sometimes, but I know how you feel about missing someone.

It is ok to talk about him and miss him. Everything will be alright, hang in there.

Sara Beth said...

I'll pray for you Kasey.

Jessa Stephens said...

I'm praying Kasey!!

Grace & Co said...

There's nothing wrong with missing Damon. When we lose ones we love God understands us missing them and longing for them to be by our side.

I'm praying for you Kasey. God will comfort you.

~Amy said...

I can't imagine how hard it must be, Kasey. I know you have amazing faith and God is holding you closely. Your strength is such a blessing to me.

We love you bunches, Sis, and will be praying for you.