Thursday, May 07, 2009

Terrific Thursdays!

HEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!! How ya'll doin?!!

Today is a great day. I woke up with the sunshine streaming through my windows (thankful for the rain, but happy for the sun), read my Bible, curled my hair, and headed to work. I got to see some of my favorite kiddo's. Ah, I love them. K is such a cutie, her hugs are so sweet, good for the heart. :) :) I got to talk to my new friend from work, and go to lunch with another new friend, who let me drive her hubby's truck. Dodge Hemi, I was pleasantly surprised (this coming from the Ford girl). Then, I had a nice ending to the day, time seemed to move pretty fast. I had blimpies five dollar foot long and spread it from lunch to dinner. YUM-O go Blimpie! Now I am home, chillin' on the couch and typing on my blog. I am supa excited for this weekend, and next weekend. SHEW! All I can say is YAY YAY YAY!!! Night!


Amanda Bull said...

Yay! I am so glad you had a great day!

emily said...

I love this post.