Thursday, April 09, 2009


I really need yall's prayers. Since Damon passed away, I have really had a fear of not being able to breathe. This throat thing has took me for a loop, I am scared nearly all hours I am awake. I know where fear comes from, I know. I have been praying, trust me. But your prayers are appreciated too. I went for a checkup with the doctor today and she said I was fine...but I ate lunch today, and since then it feels like I have a lump or something in my throat. Please pray. Love yall.


wemmies said...

Damon had asthma... he didn't choke. He didn't have a lump in his throat. His throat didn't close up. His lungs stopped holding air.

You are okay. You have to let your mind go passed the fear to get over it.

For example.. if my kids have nightmare we discuss it and walk through the solution of the fear. Silas was afraid of a ghost in his dream. I give him an empty water bottle and told him to spray the ghost with ghost spray and kill them. He hasn't had that fear since.

Allie dreams she is falling a lot. She even gives great detail.. she fell out of a helicopter, she fell on the roof and rolled down and grabbed the gutter and hit the van and was holding on the windshield wipers... it is funny but they wont sleep until they aren't afraid.

I told her to open up her umbrella when she starts falling out of the helicopter and fly like Mary Poppins. She was fine after that.

You let the fear stay there and it builds... to die is gain. Don't let the devil make you afraid of death. He is a liar. We have better things ahead! Breath in some hope, Jesus, life, mountain air... if all that fails try some Cepacol. haha. It will numb the feeling.

Jessa Stephens said...

Love you!! Praying!!!!