Sunday, July 12, 2009


I would ask that you pray for my cat Tigger. Damon brought him home to me about a month after we were married. He was only two weeks old and I had to bottle feed him and the whole bit. Well, as he grew up he started fighting, even after we got him fixed. So after Damon passed away I made him an indoors only cat, because he was getting hurt to much. Last night he slipped out my door to the garage AS my garage door was closing. He is STILL gone. I was really mad at him because he sneaks out and it annoys me. I keep him in to keep him safe, but he tries every avenue to get out and sometimes does. Most times he just runs out the back door and parades around the yard and I can catch him, last night he ran for it and was gone. I went back out and couldn't see him. It was dark and I just had the flashlight. I have called and called him, but nothin. Please pray for him to come home, :(


LaDonna said...

No word on TIgger yet?