Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ever have one of those days...

Where you are "down in the mouth", i.e. sad? Obviously if God didn't want us to have the emotion of being sad, He wouldn't have given it to us. However, I think it is what we do with our sadness or depression that determines if we are just being human, or, feeding the flesh. Spiritualy speaking of course.

Run down on why I am sad...
A- I feel alone, my family is over 2000 miles away, I have only one close close friend here that I don't worry to much that I am interupting if I call her. I have one other friend who I feel confident in, and that is Em...but she lives so far away that I can't just go cry on her shoulder, and she is so busy I kinda feel like I am gonna bug her, and she has enough of her own right now, let alone me adding a side to her plate. I try to talk to D about how I feel, but he's a guy and I am a girl and we TOTALLY think different...and that means most times we both get aggrivated or upset. We talked better when we were dating I think...Although our love has totally grown and taken on a different level, I think we communicated back then. So my general problem is I feel alone and with no one to go to. I only trust a certain few with deep stuff, and I feel like I don't have certain fews anymore.
B- the whole Idaho road trip. My parents bought my truck from me, mom is flying in on a oneway here to drive it back, I am riding with her then taking a oneway back from Idaho to Nashville. Damon showed prospect of coming.....then basically said he wasn't. So I am TOTALLy bummed about that, to the point of crying, more than once!
C- I am alone at work. My friends got laid off, and the only people left are myself, my boss, and the two tow motor guys. The one guy, I don't know why, but has the ability to upset me like no other tow motor guy I have ever worked with. So again I feel alone at work now too.....
What is boils down to, is I KNOW God will never leave us alone, ever! Am I going to God with all this??? NOOOOOOOO I actually said to God today about something, "this hurts" and I was like whoa, how long has it been since you just talked to Him about the stuff like this. I get into my routine of prayers praying for others for myself to be a good servant to him and a good wife. But I don't think I have the relationship that Bro Dupre speaks about. The Intimate relationship. I want to go deeper with God. I want the pain to go away. I want to move home.


Anonymous said...

Hey girlie,
I know what ya mean.. I have been having "One of those days as well".. interesting blog ya have here!!

Kasey said...

Hi em,

I called you yesterday and sent you a text message and prayed for you a lot. I knew yesterday was a tough day. I hope you are okay. Love you.

Thanks Megan. Appreciate it.:)

Anonymous said...

um okay that first em was not me- I don't say "girlie"- just not one of my words.

But I do want to say that I am sorry if i seem really busy and I do have a lot of stuff on my plate but I love you and if you need to vent I wanna be one who is there to hear and listen so call- no matter what.

And I did get your text messages and thanks.

Anonymous said...

oopsie..........I didn't know it wasn't you Em'd it must be Em from bama. :) Hi both em's!!

I appreciate you both and megan posting...I feel so loved :)

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