Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hey hey hey

I am posting from the Fox Fort right now. I had a fun weekend with my mini me, aka Morgan Fox, at my side. We did many things, mainly look crrrraaaazy. Last night (friday) we went shopping and I got a 49 dollar skirt for 5.45 with tax. Cha ching, then we went to circuit city. looked at lap tops. Found one...called Damon, Damon came out and looked at them (thought I would be taking hope new laptop and internet connection that very night)then Damon wanted to "sleep on it". So, I left mad and sad, and disappointed. Then we watched Gideon Tuba Warrior (new veggie tales movie). Then we went to bed, and the last official time I saw on the clock was approximately 12:00am. Then....Damon got up at 7:45 and left without us without even really saying anything (and didnt until I asked) so...I am still huffed at the man. I guess in the grand scheme of things I need to get over it, huh. I love him. If he werent so cute to me, I could stay mad longer. At any rate...Then Morgan and I got up at 10:18 am. was nice. :) Then I made a pot of coffee and we sat down to Hannah Montana. THEN...we watched Freaky Friday, THEN we painted each others faces with left over halloween make up. She was a dog, I was a cat. We got some weird looks coming down the road. This one guy would NOT stop staring at us., now I am here.

HOPEFULLY, I will be blogging soon, again, regularly. I miss ya'll.

Prayer requests....DON'T LAUGH
I have a job interview (I know I know) with Metro for a secretary in the Learning skills department. Damon happens to paint for the guy who owns the Old hickory Sonic whose wife is the boss over that department. He talked to her, she said she would make a note of it. I am seriously interested.

Finances...Christmas is gonna be rough with the lack of consistent monies recently. Just pray for it please.

see ya.


Erika J. said...

good luck on the laptop. we've been looking at another one and found one at office max for a good price. i'd check around before i settled on one from circuit city. just my opinion though.